[A83] Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition = Gameboy


[A83] Re: TI-83+ Silver Edition = Gameboy

You all are condemning this as impossible but there is no need to 
emulate ALL of the instructions, just the added ones... ever heard of 
virtualization? Basically, you let all the instructions that ok to be 
run, run... and all the ones that are not ok, you emulate. So in this 
case, any memory access would need to be virtualized, and all the added 
instructions. Simple! And this overcomes the speed problems noted in the 
other email since the other was complete emulation on a 68k chip... this 
is unneeded on this processor since they are plenty of native 
instructions that can be run... Also, 24k of ram, AFIAK, is enough to do 
this. The biggest downfall will be emulating the hardware. The graphics 
hardware and all the memory mapped I/Os...

ComAsYuAre@aol.com wrote:

> There is a fundamental problem in your basic assumption -- the gameboy is NOT 
> a z80 chip.  It's similar, but has many instructions missing (ldir, cpir, 
> ix/iy, shadow registers, etc) and many new instructions as well (ldi a,(hl), 
> swap a, etc).  Thus emulation would be a huge pain since the cpu would 
> actually have to be emulated as well.
> In a message dated 2/24/01 2:56:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> gardenerbm@netzero.net writes:
>> With the advent of the TI-83 Plus silver, could someone write a gameboy
>> emulator for it?  Look what the 83+ could do:
>> (I am assuming the gameboy has a z80 chip in it)
>> Advantages:
>> -83+ silver has room for one 8-megabit game, two 4-megabit games, or eight
>> 1-megab
it games!
>> -83+ silver will be much faster (than 83+) , allowing for easier emulation.
>> Disadvantages:
>> -You'd have to choose between link emulation (?) and sound emulation.
>> -Graphics would have to be distorted/crushed/reduced in order to fit on the
>> 83+ screen.
>> Anyone know if this is a possibility?  Or is the 24K of ram not enough?
> ----
> Jonah Cohen
> <ComAsYuAre@aol.com>
> http://jonah.ticalc.org

Scott "Wrath" Dial
Member of TCPA - tcpa.calc.org
PGP key available
