[A83] Re: tile maps and stuff


[A83] Re: tile maps and stuff

I suggest TCPA's tilemap routine:

;Input map address in DE
   ld hl, plotsscreen
   ld bc, 8*256+0
   ld a, (de)
   push de
   push hl
   ld l, a
   ld h, 0
   add hl, hl
   add hl, hl
   add hl, hl
   ld de, tiles
   add hl, de
   ex de, hl
   pop hl
   push bc
   ld b, 8
   push hl
   ld a, (de)
   ld (hl),a
   inc de
   push bc
   ld bc, 12
   add hl, bc
   pop bc
   djnz DrawmapLoop2
   pop hl
   pop bc
   pop de
   inc de
   inc hl
   inc c
   ld a, c
   cp 12
   jr nz, Drawmaploop
   ld c,0
   push de
   ld de, 7*12
   add hl, de
   pop de
   djnz Drawmaploop

For the actual map, use a bunch of .db's:
Make sure it's 12 wide and 8 high (these are bytes, 0-255)

  .db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0
  .db 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0...

(continue this 12 wide and 8 high)

Then tiles:  (use .db %00000000) 0=white, 1=black

  .db %10000000
  .db %00001000
  .db %00100000
  .db %00000000
  .db %00000010
  .db %01000000
  .db %00001000
  .db %00000001

  .db %11111111
  .db %10000001
  .db %10000001
  .db %11111111
  .db %11111111
  .db %00011000
  .db %00011000
  .db %11111111

>From: Jeff Ruud <pyroboy_04@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] tile maps and stuff
>Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 19:11:41 -0800 (PST)
>How do i make a program that reads a tile map such as:
>or anything.  I tried looking at source code to different programs but that 
>doesn't really help me, cuz nothing is explained.  Basically i just want to 
>know how to read all of those ones and zeros at the bottom of the screen 
>and make a tile map out of it.
>Thanks for the help.....
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