Re: A83: inversing the screen
Re: A83: inversing the screen
heh. my bad. :)
thats what i get for not cutting and pasting.
i didnt know that ld a,(hl) / cpl was faster than ld a,255 / xor (hl)
At 02:03 PM 2/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
>A bit faster and smaller, and actually increments hl :P
> ld hl,plotsscreen
> ld bc,3
> ld a,(hl)
> cpl
> ld (hl),a
> inc hl
> djnz invertLoop
> dec c
> jr nz,invertLoop
> ret
>In a message dated 2/18/01 2:01:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>> ld hl,plotsscreen
>> ld bc,767
>> ld a,255
>> xor (hl)
>> ld (hl),a
>> dec c
>> jr nz,invertLoop
>> djnz invertLoop
>> ret
>Jonah Cohen