Re: A83: an idea for greyscale
Re: A83: an idea for greyscale
In accordance with the prophecy, uttered:
> OK,ive been wonering about the port to the lcd.
> is there, thiretically of course, a way to do a send(16/17prgmBLAH where blah
> is a pic in bytes, and 16/17 is the port of the lcd port?
Might be possible, but that would involve patching the delayed hw interrupt
vector by writing 13h to the data control port, then calling the data exchange
port, but at the same time (i.e. by means of a quick workaround hack that must
fit into the first half of the keyboard scan code round-robin buffer (20
low-range bytes, but that shouldn't be a problem)), soldering a cap (0.2pF seems
to be enough) between pins 3 and 6 of the display controller chip and shorting
the raster interrupt pin to ground. Thiretically of course.
> thanks in advance
> And i was thinking about taking the fast copy, take out the delay(cause my
> code will be a dely enough ^_^) and just use that. That should wokr right?
> as long as i have enough ticks in my code i could do that right?
Of course my password is the same as my pet's name.
My macaw's name was Q47pY!3, but I change it every 90 days.