RE: A83: an idea for greyscale
RE: A83: an idea for greyscale
When coding for the VGA (or DirectX), you create a backbuffer and draw to
that, when finished drawing, you copy the whole stuff to the display, to
prefend the screen to flicker.... THAT's the same thing we do for the calc:
draw to an offscreen-buffer, and when finished copy the whole stuff to the
display (using fastcopy)...
if we would write directly to the display it would flicker... (and besides
that, it's vary usefull to have a buffer with the current screendata, IE for
plotting masked sprites; it would be much slower to constantly read our data
from the display)
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van:
> []Namens
> Verzonden: donderdag 8 februari 2001 22:20
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: A83: an idea for greyscale
> Ok, now I see that we are writing to the display controller, is
> that the same
> thing as writing directly to the screen? I know in c bios, the
> pixel plotting
> routine is increadably slow, but if you buypass it, it speeds it
> up emensly,
> could we do the same hting for the ti83/ti-83+? or is that what
> we are doing
> right now?
> because if we could just bypass it, and just draw straight to the
> lcd port,
> that would be much better
> I also realise, that we would have to make multipul versions for
> different
> rom versions, I'm sure, but this is just an idea, so .....just wonderin