A83: Shell/program in FP-stack ???
A83: Shell/program in FP-stack ???
Is it possible to put a program in the FP-stack?
Just allocate enough stack-places (_PushOP1, and the such) and copy the
program, or is the FP-stack 'resetted' by the TIOS from time to time?
This could be a great place to put a shell.
Just create a little assembly prog, with a JP to your code, et voilá (off
coarse you should adept the .org, dûh)
Henk Poley
(I really hope that this isn't the place where Ion/Zes/Inidium/Anova/etc.
are always stored...)
PS: Does anybody know how streams work on the Jupiter ACE (a Z80-based
computer)? Needing that info for the z88dk-compiler.