Re: A83: Calling All Great Programers Part III !!
Re: A83: Calling All Great Programers Part III !!
woops didn't see the rest of the talk
4: Ok in asm, there are 2 types: chars and shorts
chars are the .db(1 byte in memory(8 bits, etc))
shorts are the .dw(2 bytes in memory(16 bits, etc))
reals are covered in the op1-op6 if i'm not mistaken
I have no idea why you would need a complex value in a program
5:to do lists:
define a list that is....5 bytes big(5 chars, 0-255)
do this:
.db 0,0,0,0,0
now to call lets say...the third you do this:
ld hl, list ;load the location in memory of the list, yes if i wanted the
;i would go ld hl,(list) but I"m not doint that, I'm getting
the address
;of the list
add hl,2 ;move to the third spot in memory, yes i realise i only added
;because the inital spot includes some memory, thats why
lists in
;c and c++(well that i know of) all start at 0
ld a,(hl) ;load the value from location hl to var a
that would get you the 3rd number from an array of 5
I don't know about anything of the other questions