A83: String problem [83]


A83: String problem [83]

I have a problem with strings in asm. I want to store the number in X into string1. Below is my code (asmguru). Please tell me what is wrong here. Thanks.
.org 9327h
     call _zerooop1     ; load var name
     ld hl,strngname    ;
     ld de,op1          ;
     ld bc,3            ;
     ldir               ;
     call _chkfindsym   ; look it up
     call nc,_delvar    ; if it is there delete it
     ld hl,3            ; length of string
     call _createstrng  ; create it
     inc de             ; skip 1st length byte
     inc de             ; skip 2nd length byte
      call _rclX        : get the number of X
     ld hl,op1       ; string data
     ld bc,3            ; string size
     ldir               ; copy data
     .db STRNGOBJ,TVARSTRNG,TSTR1  ; object type strng, var type strng, var Str1