A83: Re: _CMPSYMS [83]


A83: Re: _CMPSYMS [83]

No, not really.  It is for comparing symbol table entry names meaning that
the strings must be backwards (or at least, you have start at the end of the
strings, instead of the beginning).   If you look at page 493 of the Dev
Guide, you'll notice that it says:
    HL = end of first name in RAM
    DE = end of second name in RAM
    B = length of name
    C = number of letters that match
    C = original B if all letters math
    Carry set if Sym2 (HL) > Sym1 (DE)
    The names must be the same size.  The name lengths should have already
been compared before calling this routine.

-Dan Englender

----- Original Message -----
From: "Henk Poley" <HPoley@DDS.nl>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 11:30 AM
Subject: A83: _CMPSYMS [83]

> Is this ROMcall the same as strcmp() in C???
> _CMPSYMS           equ           4E22h
> Henk Poley
