[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)
[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)
>On Sun, 30 Dec 2001 Mike3465@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Ok, i've though a bit on the comments made on grey scale before and
> > how to do it, including drawing a pixel from 1 buffer, then a pixel
> > from the other buffer and stuff, and i have this old(er) code from a
> > previous talk about grey scale. This is how i did it: 2 buffers,
> > buffer a and buffer b i go through and i and buffer a with %10101010
> > and then and buffer b with %01010101 and or them together. I then send
> > it out to the port. Is this anything like we were talking about? I've
> > tried running it on the emulator and it has faint lines, and i'm
> > looking into how i would flip the buffers(w/o copying of course) every
> > line. any ideas?
>Have you tried it on a real calculator? Because VTI displays grey when it
>detects that a pixel is being turned on and off quite fast. Using the
>technique I proposed, that sometimes gives wrong results. On a real
>calulator however, it may display better.
I think VTI just lets the pixel fade away, like a real lcd.
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