[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)


[A83] Re: Grey scale(and enterlacing, is that the right word for it?)

> > oh, and the grey scale looks fine, but it's only 3
> > level, what was the guy talking about 4 level?
You mean me? :) What I meant was that for each pixel you 
display the pixel from one buffer twice as long as the 
corresponding pixel from the other buffer. Let's say if 
buf1 is displayed for t and buf2 for 2t, you have:

buf1 buf2  shade
  0    0   white
  1    0   bright grey
  0    1   dark grey
  1    1   black

That's all. And Tijl just wrote it down clearly what masks 
you could use for this.

