[A83] Re: sound and the link port


[A83] Re: sound and the link port

The source to the old SOS library for the 83 had some good routines one of
which was the sound routine.  This is probably in ticalc.org's archives.
Then there is my program which I wrote for the 83+ which plays wav files.
This can be found on the tcpa web site, tcpa.calc.org.  Either of these
could be easily modified for any calculators but keep in mind that SE does
not like people directly accessing the link port.

Brandon Sterner

----- Original Message -----
From: "Charlie Adams" <charlie_w_adams@yahoo.com>
To: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 3:36 PM
Subject: [A83] sound and the link port

> Does anyone know where I can find any info on sound routines?  Any info on
the link port would also be very much appreciated.
>           thanks,
>                charlie adams
> My AIM SN is: ShaftAdams
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