[A83] Re: Running external ASM programs from within an ASM program...
[A83] Re: Running external ASM programs from within an ASM program...
btw, if you are going to write a really big program you might consider
distributing it as a backup. This backup can be 'prefabricked' so it only
contains your big program, since there is no place other stuff.
Just write a 'preloader' and put that into apd-ram or something, then load
your really big program to the calc together with a little "JP preloader"
prog. Execute the little prog. The 'preloader' moves your big program to
the start of usermem. Then you only need to create another little "JR
big_program" proggie that jumps to your big programs sizebytes. Et voilá
the backup can be made.
Do note that the origin is usermem+4 ("JR big_program" + sizebytes)
You might consider letting the big program start with "send(9prgm..." so
it's easier to start.
If the user wants to delete it he just need to remove the two programs
contained in the backup. Just a last thing, don't forget to note in the
docs that copies of the program can only be made via backups...
Henk Poley <><