[A83] Re: push - pop
[A83] Re: push - pop
> > Now what the hell happens??
> > I don't get it that only one sp can hold the answer to
> > multiple register pairs being pushed/popped.
> > Maybe every regiter pair has (inside the opcode of push/pop)
> > an offset, I mean the stack is divided into a piece
> > for bc, one for hl, one for de and one for af.
>If you ever read any tutorial which suggests ideas like that, I would
>recommend you burn every copy of that tutorial that you have.
I haven't read that somewhere, but the z80 uses offsets
in their opcodes to point to a specific register, so maybe
with the stack each register (using the offset) has their
own offsets that point to a point somewhere inside the stack.
That was my idea...
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