[A83] Re: push - pop


[A83] Re: push - pop

>  ld   h,5
>  ld   l,4
>  push hl
>When push hl is executed:
>SP decremented
>l -> (SP)
>SP decremented
>h -> (SP)
>pop is the reverse. Perhaps that isn't in-depth enough...gimme a shout if
>you need it clarified.

Ok, that's on the good way, but...
with more register pairs then??

push hl
pop bc
pop af
push hl
pop de
push bc
[and so on]

Now what the hell happens??
I don't get it that only one sp can hold the answer to
multiple register pairs being pushed/popped.
Maybe every regiter pair has (inside the opcode of push/pop)
an offset, I mean the stack is divided into a piece
for bc, one for hl, one for de and one for af.

Let the answers come!!


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