[A83] Re: image storage on 83+?
[A83] Re: image storage on 83+?
> Hi, I was wondering if anyone is aware of an 83+ program allowing for
> the storage and retrieval of more than 10 images? I am going to try to
For the 83- there is devpic. It "hacked" the StorePic and RecallPic
commands. It enables you to store a picture to Str1. Sounds weird, but
it really works. You can have a total of 40 pictures.
Look at http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/148/14870.html
for details and download.
Rob van Wijk
> use andydraw to do animations while screwing around in my useless
> friggin' math class :), but I have been unable to find any way to store
> more than 10 images, and ten frames is sorta a short animation. (I
> don't program assembly, by the way, although I probably will get around
> to learning it at some point.) Thanks for any advice.
> Ryan
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