[A83] Re: Controlled BLODding (more or less:)


[A83] Re: Controlled BLODding (more or less:)

And, when you press on, GetKey always returns '0', even when the next GetKey
appears, and the next, and the next... until you reset the onFlag or
something like that. This explains why your program keeps blodding the
screen after you press on. In this case you should use _getk(?) or getcsc.

>You're having to hit a key every loop so that you satisfy the _GeyKey
>call.  It pauses until it gets a keypress.
>>      inc b      ;No clue why, but if u inc b and keep outputting
>>      ld a,b      ;it to 10h (lcd's command port), when u press ON the
>> BLODs start and keep coming allll the time.
>>      out (10h),a
>>      call _getKey
>>      cp 09h  ;clear press?
>>      jp z,exitloop
>>      jp startloop
>>      ld a,1Ah                         ;BLOD's only occur at 1Ch to 1Fh.
>>                                            ;I found a lower value reset's
>> the lcd to the normal operation mode
>>      out (10h),a ;
>>      call _clrLCDFull
>>      call _homeup
>>      ret   ;you've gotta know what this is:)