[A83] Re: Small C?
[A83] Re: Small C?
> Van: Jeff Ruud <pyroboy_04@yahoo.com>
> Has any attempt been made at a C compiler on the z80 for the calculators?
> I found this http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdcc/ , and I was just
> wondering how easily this could be used to program in C for the 83+.
SDCC is a beast. Just to say, it currently (even) runs out-of-the-box under
Windows, so they seem to have found some non-linux freaks (sorry to say).
To compile for one of the Ti-calcs you need to make a startupfile, assemble
that and put it into the lib\z80\ directory (not realy shure). You might
want to try z88dk (also at sourceforge) although it has a (relatively) lazy
compiler it supports about all (Z80) Ti calcs :-)
Henk Poley <><
- [A83] Re: <>C?
- From: Peter-Martijn Kuipers <hyper@hysoft-automation.com>