[A83] Re: Question about interrupt
[A83] Re: Question about interrupt
> Van: Sebastiaan Roodenburg <sebastiaan@rimsystems.nl>
> > How do I do a jump???
> > I can do a relative jump... But if the code if too long, that is not
> > posible. I think I could solve it with .org command, but how???
> >
> intstart:
> nop
> ...
> jp farjump-intstart+[HERE IS THE INTERUPT LOCATED]
> ...
> farjump:
> iret
> intend:
Hey, you are stealing my comment :-P
btw, it's RETI... And another thing, you don't need that directive, a
normal RET also works, on the Ti's at least, and a (normal) RET is faster.
RETI has something to do with switches inside the processor, that can be
read by the hardware to see if an interrupt is running (then they shouldn't
request a new one). On the Ti there is no hardware that needs this.
I think David Phillips knows more about these things...
Henk Poley <><