[A83] Re: Battery checking
[A83] Re: Battery checking
> On the subject of TI Explorer, have you checked to see if its "battery
> thing" is actually just a contrast level indicator?
It is a contrast indicator. Here's the source for the battery thing in TI
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
.org 9327h
jr start
.dw 0000h
.dw discription
.dw icon
ld a,(8008h)
add a,a
ld b,a
ld a,80
sub b
add a,6
ld bc,0630h
ld e,c
ld h,1
ld d,88
call _ILine
ld c,33h
ld e,c
call _ILine
ld c,31h
ld e,c
ld d,a
call _ILine
ld c,32h
ld e,c
call _ILine
ld hl,0103h
ld (CURROW),hl
ld hl,BatOK
bit 5,(iy+18h)
jr nz,ok
ld hl,BatRe
call _puts
jp _getkey
.db "Battery check",0
icon: .db 00000000b ; 8 byte icon (8x8 pixels) for
.db 00011000b ; this program
.db 00111100b
.db 00100100b
.db 00100100b
.db 00100100b
.db 00100100b
.db 00111100b
BatOK:.db "Battery OK",0
BatRe:.db "Change Battery",0