[A83] Re: Direct Input...
[A83] Re: Direct Input...
> Van: Henk Poley <HPoley@DDS.nl>
> Hmm, I guess I just have to try out...
So I've tried, and found this (ROM 1.10, Ti83-).
- Outputting $FF and then the GroupX-equ; will enable the group you wanted.
- Outputting only GroupX and then GroupY; will keep GroupX enabled during
- Outputting GroupX and then GroupY, GroupY (so twice); will keep GroupX
enabled but the key you press in that Group is only seen once, and GroupY
is enabled normaly.
A bit of strange, but maybe somebody can make use of it...
(Don't ask me how "Sucker's Direct Input" could possibly work..)
Henk Poley <><