[A83] Re: res DonePrgm,(iy+DoneFlags) [83-]


[A83] Re: res DonePrgm,(iy+DoneFlags) [83-]

> >sysflags.txt says "unknown" on that flag of the Ti83-. And on that calc
> >IY+$00 isn't called 'DoneFlags' but 'trigflags'...
> What's in a name...

On the 86, it's called that as well (http://members.nbci.com/rabidcow/):

$c3e5 iy+$00  trigFlags/kbdFlags/doneFlags
  0 MATTYPE  1=cplx, 0=real
  2     trigDeg
  3 kbdSCR  keystroke available
  4 kbdKeyPress reset APD in getkey (a key has been pressed)
  5 donePrgm display result ("Done" usually)
