[A83] Re: TIOS push recovery
[A83] Re: TIOS push recovery
Haha. Nice try. Ignoring that little random bit, which is pointless to use
for such a test, use a known value like $0000 that will cause problems, the
code does nothing. All you are doing is putting junk on the stack.
> pop hl
Now HL contains the return address, and the stack is "empty" (as far as the
program is concerned).
> push de
Push some junk on the stack.
> push hl
Push the return value on the stack.
> ret
Whee, we go back to the TI-OS. And the stack is 2 bytes larger. Sure,
maybe it does clean the stack. Doubtful, but maybe it does. It is not
really relevant, since the chances of a program doing something like this
are next to nil.
That would be an interesting trick. Make a program like a game that
randomly increases the stack size. Assure that it's internal stack is ok by
moving it somewhere safe. Have people wonder why the TI-OS is crashing in
random spots after playing.
> therefore, I would assume The TIOS has some error correction for that
> weird...
No. It can't. You have to RETurn to it. You either return, or your ret
goes off into never-never land, and more than likely bad things happen (1 in
65536 chance of being right).