[A83] res DonePrgm,(iy+DoneFlags) [83-]


[A83] res DonePrgm,(iy+DoneFlags) [83-]

> Van: David Phillips <david@acz.org>
> It's probably the same thing, but try this (just a guess from memory):
>  res 5,(iy+$00)

Ah well, that's defenately the Ti83+ equate...

But I'll try... 

sysflags.txt says "unknown" on that flag of the Ti83-. And on that calc the
IY+$00 isn't called 'DoneFlags' but 'trigflags'...

[..some moments later..]
It does work!

	Henk Poley <><

> > >  res DonePrgm,(iy+DoneFlags)
> > 
> > Is there also a Ti83- equate?