[A83] Re: Tilemap/Displaying Pics/ Scrolling Screen
[A83] Re: Tilemap/Displaying Pics/ Scrolling Screen
>From: "Nick Palladino" <nickps1@hotmail.com>
>Okay, I new to assembly and need some help. I’ve seen some
>tutorials on tilemaps and stuff but they didn’t help. I want
>to know how to
> 1. Make and display a picture in assembly.
> 2. Make a tilemap to scroll.
>Can some one please send me some example code that includes
>a real scrolling tilemap that actually works. Thank You.
>P.S could the reply to this be in extensive detail so I don’t
>have to bug anyone else on how to do tilemaps.
Extensive detail? Here we go....
Chapter I Displaying your own pictures in assembly
* example code *
.org progStart
ld hl,picture ; get the picture
ld de,8E29h ; is scrnBuf
ld bc,768 ; is number bytes we have
ldir ; to copy (12*64)
call fastCopy ; copy scrnBuf to screen
bcall(_getKey) ; wait for a key so we can
ret ; watch our picture
.db $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
.db $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55
; ..64 lines in total..
.db $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA
.db $55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55,$55
* explanation *
Each pixel on the screen is represented by one bit. Set a bit and the pixel
flashes on. Reset a bit and it goes out. So, to display a picture we first
create a bit representation of that picture, copy that data to scrnBuf (or
grphBuf or plotsscreen, whatever you call it) and then run a fastCopy
routine which just copies the data in the scrnBuf to the screen. So, more in
detail, in our case $AA (which is %10101010) would be pixel on, pixel off,
pixel on, pixel off, pixel on, pixel off, pixel on, pixel off. If you
replace $AA by $FF (is %11111111) you get a full line, and if you replace
$AA by ... you get ... etc.
Chapter II Displaying a tilemap
(I wrote the tilemap routine myself. You may use it of course)
* example code *
.org progStart
ld hl,tilemap ; HL -> tilemap
ld de,tiles ; DE -> tiles
call drawTileMap ; draw the tilemap in scrnBuf
call fastCopy ; copy scrnBuf to screen
bcall(_getKey) ; wait for a key so we can
ret ; watch our picture
push hl
pop ix
ld hl,8E29h
ld bc,8*256+12
push bc
ld b,c
push bc
push de
push hl
ld h,0
ld l,(ix)
inc ix
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,hl
add hl,de
ex de,hl
pop hl
ld b,8
ld a,(de)
ld (hl),a
inc de
ld a,b
ld b,0
add hl,bc
ld b,a
djnz drawTileLoop
ld de,-(8*12)+1
add hl,de
pop de
pop bc
djnz drawLineLoop
ld c,7*12
add hl,bc
pop bc
djnz drawTileMapLoop
.db 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2
.db 1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0
.db 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2
.db 1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0
.db 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2
.db 1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0
.db 0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2
.db 1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0
.db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
.db 00000000b
.db 00011100b
.db 00111110b
.db 01101011b
.db 01111111b
.db 01011101b
.db 00100010b
.db 00011100b
.db 00000000b
.db 00011100b
.db 00111110b
.db 01101011b
.db 01111111b
.db 01100011b
.db 00111110b
.db 00011100b
* explanation *
The tilemap routine uses HL and DE as input. HL must point to the tilemap
itself and DE to the tiles you want to use. Then the tilemap routine scans
the whole tilemap. For each byte it draws that tile, but keep in mind that
it starts with 0. So 2 means it takes the 3th tile and so on. And so it
fills the whole screen. This tilemap routine draws 8*8 tiles, so the tilemap
itself must be 12*8 to fit on a 96*64 screen.
I know you're desparate to know scrolling and smooth scrolling, but if you
already understand this I think you should be capable of understanding a
tutorial about that.
Hope this helps you a lot already,
Tijl Cosemans
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