[A83] Re: again: a ret-problem
[A83] Re: again: a ret-problem
ld a,(state)
or a
jr z,label1
jr label5
That way the branching is balanced. Otherwise you have to pop addresses off
the stack or store sp somewhere.
In a message dated 4/15/2001 1:06:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
jandebeule@belgacom.net writes:
> I don't agree with that last thing
> Look at label 2 (indeed i forgot a 'or a'): if state is equal to 1 you jump
> to label5 (and the 'ret' isn't important then, 'cause you 'jumped over it'),
> if state is equal to 0 you do the 'ret', going back from where the call (in
> that case) was made. Isn't that possible? Otherwise i have to write almost
> the same code twice and that would be a waste
Jonah Cohen