[A83] Re: direct input


[A83] Re: direct input

three remarques on your email: 1. in your thorough explanation, where do you
reset the keypad as you mentionned in your first email?
                                   2. my code below contains what you were
trying me to say i think (i reset the keyport after i checked which key was
pressed), but nothing changed: when i press left, he goes
2 or more times to the left and with 'right' the same.  Please look at my
code and tell me what i'm doing wrong
3. i know it's probably not good to use tilemaps in my bowling-game, but can
give an explanation what tilemaps are (like i requested in my first mail),
and why i shouldn't use
    them, because with the knowledge i now own about them, they look usefull
(just move the balls through the map and check if there's a cone (important:
it's a not
    really a bowling-game, the balls don't always move straight, the can hit
the side and so))
    And if tilemaps aren't usefull, what should i use instead?   (please if
other people know it, tell me)

        ld      a,0ffh                  ;resets the keypad.
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0feh                  ;enables group with arrows
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)
        cp      kleft
        jp      z,move_cr_left
        cp      kright
        jp      z,move_cr_right
        ld      a,0ffh                  ;resets the keypad.
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0bfh                  ;enables group with 2nd
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)
        cp      k2nd
        jp      z,cr_done
        jp      check_move_cr

        ld      a,0ffh                  ;resets the keypad.
=> this is what i added to my code!!!!!
        out     (1),a

        sprite: move to left

        jr      move_cr_left

        ld      a,0ffh                  ;resets the keypad.
=> this is what i added to my code!!!!!
        out     (1),a

        sprite: move to right

        jr      move_cr_right
