[A83] Re: ldir
[A83] Re: ldir
Yeah, ok. I could have found out that information with four mouse clicks
and five keystrokes (open the Assembly Studio 8x help file from the help
menu, type "ldir" and hit enter). I guarantee that writing the email took
more time than it would have taken to look it up. Not many things say "I'm
lazy" better than that...
Whatever happened to the days when people would put in even a minor effort
before posting to the list?
And, yes, I'm probably flaming here. Fine. Maybe this kind of thing really
irritates me and a lot of other people as well. But I guarantee you that if
you don't have the motivation or brains to do something as simple as look at
an instruction reference, then you certainly aren't capable of programming
in assembly language. Are you going to send a message to the list every
time you forget how an instruction functions? What if everyone did that?
What's next, sending twenty-five messages about not being able to recompile
an example program? Oh, wait...
> Right now I'm spamming, but cut the guy some slack dude!