[A83] Re: 16x16 tile map
[A83] Re: 16x16 tile map
I would not recommend a 12x12 bit size routine, 16x16 would be something like
;get offset to graphscreen(I'm not gonna go through this, others do i'm
just writing it out
ld de,Tile ;probably already loaded to de(in this instance)
;hl is the offset in the graphscreen
ld b,16
ld a,(hl) ;get screen
ld c,(de) ;get line in tile
xor c ;xor it to the screen
ld (hl),a ;save it to screen
inc hl
inc de
ld a,(hl)
ld c,(de)
xor c
ld (hl),a
inc de
;i'm using b as the counter so save it
push bc
ld bc,12
add hl,bc
pop bc
djmz Loop
that is the rough idea of a xor 16x16 tile routine ^_^ hope that helps some
also, note, this isn't tested, so if it dosn't work, sorry. but thats the
general idea ^_^