[A83] Re: What is the VAT???


[A83] Re: What is the VAT???

The VAT is the Variable Allocation Table, or so i think is the full name.
Tha vat is an array of "structures", where each structure has the information for one variable. A structure has about the following information: 
-Var type
-Var name
-Var starting address
-Flash page (83+ only)

The VAT array has a starting point somewhere in the end of the RAM, and it goed backwards, so the last entry is in the lowest Ram area.

Hope it helps.
--Peter Martijn Kuipers

On Sun, 08 April 2001, Sérgio Gomes wrote:

> Does someone tells me what is the VAT??

Chaos is like Windows: just an alternative form 
of logic
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