A83: TI-83 Plus Squishing


A83: TI-83 Plus Squishing

on the TI-83 Plus, you can take an ASM Program, and squish it with AsmComp(prgmSOURCE,prgmTARGET).
However, I would like a way to do so "on the ground", befor I send the file to my calc. (Because I am working on a large program, which the calc might not be able to compress in the end.)
I already tried Devpac8x, but strangely enough, it doesn't work.

Please don't come and tell me to program it for a shell (i.e. ION), because it is meant for peaple who can barely run a normal ASM program, and are greatly confused by only mentioning the word shell.

Any suggestions?

Peter Martijn Kuipers
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