A83: Questions about ASM83
A83: Questions about ASM83
Hi everybody!
I've just started to learn ASM (finally got sick of basic) and
obviously will have a number of questions to ask over the next month or
so. Here's the first couple:
1. I displayed some text on the homescreen and I made
the top line inverted (set textInverse, (iy+textflags)). After writing the
inverted line I reset the flag. Everything looks fine until I call
pgmio_exec. When I do that the top line gets reset to normal
(uninverted) text. I did some experimenting and noticed that
pgmio_exec will invert or uninvert the whole screen depending on the state of
the textInverse flag. How do I stop this from happening?
2. What are the differences between:
call_clrLCDFull, call_clrscrnfull, call_grbufclr.
Thank you in advance to anybody who answers my