Re: A83: ION and new batteries VERY WEIRD
Re: A83: ION and new batteries VERY WEIRD
Rather, the cpu itself executes code faster on new batteries than on old
batteries. Thus a "delay" between writes to the screen is not as long and
apparently falls slightly below the threshold for what the hardware can
handle between writes to the screen. Once the batteries get used it a bit
they'll probably start working, but my suggestion is to tell Joe so that he
increases the delay a t-state or two which is probably all that's necessary.
In a message dated 9/17/00 2:52:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> I would deduce that the cause of the garbled graphics is due to the
> routine of ION, which ION and its programs use often. It was timed and
> tested
> to gain the fastest speed while keeping stability, and I would think the
> power supplied to the LCD Driver is a factor of this stability. With fresh
> batteries, perhaps it has too much power than needed (despite the
> of voltage regulators), and then it becomes out of coordination with the
> Fastcopy routine, writing either too early or too late to when the LCD
> Driver
> is ready to do another write, therefor giving you garbled graphics. I cant
> propose a solution for this possibly rare case, except to say to slow down
> the Fastcopy routine slightly to accomidate all cases, however, the
> of the speed in normal cases outways the losses of this one case. I can
> That since you say the problem has gone away, and thats good, and I dont
> recall anyone else reporting this problem (except when the routine had to
> slown down in an earlier version of ION), but it should be left alone now
> suppose.
Jonah Cohen