RE: A83: Beep routine >> TI82


RE: A83: Beep routine >> TI82

Well i don't have a Ti82... The only part of the routine what i'm not 100%
sure about is the port-number of the link port ("out (0),a")... the rest
sould work.... 

BTW. why are those pop's there??????

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: D Weiss []
Verzonden: zondag 3 september 2000 19:05
Onderwerp: A83: Beep routine >> TI82

Does this code need to be changed for the TI82:

;---------= Make a sound =---------
; c=frequency, b=duration
beep:	di
	ld	e,$D0
beepl1:	ld	a,c
beepl2:	dec	a
	jr	nz,beepl2
	ld	a,e
	xor	%00000011
	ld	e,a
	out	(0),a
	djnz	beepl1
	pop hl
	pop de
	pop bc

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