A83: Re: Re: Assembly limit [83+]
A83: Re: Re: Assembly limit [83+]
By this message, you tell me i cannot have more than 8.8k of
executable code. But does it have a way to counter that and
make a game of 20k of executable code?
Thx for your time
> -------Message d'origine-------
> De : "Dan Englender" <dan@calc.org>
> Date : 24/10/2000 21:53:00
> The "8K limit" is a hardware restriction placed on the 83
Plus by TI (no
> doubt so that you can't run apps from RAM). What it
actually does is if
> code is running from anywhere on the second RAM page
(stuff between $C000
> and $FFFF) the calculator will reset. Since the origin
for assembly
> programs on the 83 Plus is $9D95, this means that you
can't have more than
> $C000-$9D95 (8811 bytes) of executed code. You can have
programs larger
> than this size, so long as the part of the program that
will be located past
> $BFFF is only data.
> The problem is that Ion's library routines are loaded
directly after the
> program in RAM. So if you use Ion library calls, your
program can't be
> larger that about 8K (regardless of where you place data
and code). In
> MirageOS, the library routines (both the MirageOS specific
and Ion ones) are
> located in the first ROM bank ($4000-$7FFF) so you can
still use library
> calls and have programs as large as you like.
> -Dan Englender
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Xavier LaRue"
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 8:55 AM
> Subject: A83: Assembly limit [83+]
> Can anyone tell me what is the 8k limit on the 83 plus???
> Thx
> Paxl
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