A83: Re: New Ti-83 That 'should be' a Ti-82 [83]
A83: Re: New Ti-83 That 'should be' a Ti-82 [83]
Dutch part below, this is the english respons:
I think the TI83 you're talking about is a TI83. At my school, people are
using them, too. They definitely look like a 82 and probably act that way,
too. They're just grey and boxed and the ROM version is 1.01001 or something
like that. They look just plain stupid. What's the matter with TI? In about
one year, they have released 3 new versions of the TI83...
<Dutch ppl only>
Die tweede fase is gewoon een hoop onzin, maar die TI83 is wel een voordeel.
Er zijn leuke dingen mee te doen en vooral de mogelijkheid om er
vergelijkingen mee op te lossen is dik OK. Die nieuwe dingen zien er in
principe niet uit, maar niemand op mijn school kan er wat aan doen dat ze
zo'n 'vierkant' hebben gehad. Ik ben tevreden met mijn 1.07 rom versie met
uitermate fraai design.
Frank Schoep
Never Fear Reality
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Henk Poley <HPoley@DDS.nl>
Aan: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Datum: vrijdag 20 oktober 2000 8:53
Onderwerp: A83: New Ti-83 That 'should be' a Ti-82 [83]
> I don't think so.
>Ti-82 are 'forbidden' to use in school. the Dutch government, has made some
>decissions, about the new learning plan called 'Tweede Fase'
> (='second Fase', but hat doesn't make any sense, don't it?).
>They have decided that only a few graphing calculators, may be used on
>exams and tests.
>* one Ti calc: the Ti-83
>* one Casio: the ... (don't know, I'll ask my Math teacher)
>* one ... (HP?), the...(have to ask this one too, but it is defenitely
> NOT a Ti-82)
>And another thing, all Ti-83 ASM games/shells work on it, Ti-Explorer,
>SQRXS, I know it for sure, because I made a backup from my 'old Ti-83' to a
>'new Ti-83'. and everything worked. Well Sqrxs had some nasty inverted
>lines in the menu, but that was all. As far as I know, Ti-82 and Ti-83 ASM
>programs are not binary compatible, so...
>I hope I'll find someone before I'm on holidays (that means today).
>Pictureing it would take some time, because I don't have a scanner
>(+holidays for 1 week)
> Henk Poley