A83: New Ti-83 That 'should be' a Ti-82 [83]


A83: New Ti-83 That 'should be' a Ti-82 [83]

	I don't think so.

Ti-82 are 'forbidden' to use in school. the Dutch government, has made some
decissions, about the new learning plan called 'Tweede Fase' 
  (='second Fase', but hat doesn't make any sense, don't it?).
They have decided that only a few graphing calculators, may be used on
exams and tests.
*  one Ti calc: the Ti-83
*  one Casio: the ... (don't know, I'll ask my Math teacher)
*  one ... (HP?), the...(have to ask this one too, but it is defenitely
                       NOT a Ti-82)

And another thing, all Ti-83 ASM games/shells work on it, Ti-Explorer,
SQRXS, I know it for sure, because I made a backup from my 'old Ti-83' to a
'new Ti-83'. and everything worked. Well Sqrxs had some nasty inverted
lines in the menu, but that was all. As far as I know, Ti-82 and Ti-83 ASM
programs are not binary compatible, so...

I hope I'll find someone before I'm on holidays (that means today).
Pictureing it would take some time, because I don't have a scanner
(+holidays for 1 week)

	Henk Poley