Re: A83: virus


Re: A83: virus

--- "Fam. Poley" <> wrote:
> _Reset = $0275
> Uhm, for my ROMcall reference, which ROM-version do
> you use (Ti-83)?
> Not all calls seem to be the same on different
> ROM-versions, you see.

  I was playing with some of the rom calls in about 8 months ago and came across this
one.  I believe it should work on all rom versions but
I haven't tested it on but a few.  I was going to use
it in a program, but I never released it.  Go ahead
and test this one out.

_initialize               equ     4062h

  I haven't found (or even looked for) a 83+
equivalent but just scanning through, you
might want to try.

_MemClear              equ     4C30h

But ofcourse that could just blank an area of ram.  I
can't test it right now since I am at work, so play
with it a little and see what you come up with.

Jimmy Conner

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