RE: A83: Re: Flash App Hacking
RE: A83: Re: Flash App Hacking
In accordance with the prophecy, Hyperbyte uttered:
> Come to think of it, it might be a good thing that it is so hard/expensive to
> make apps... If anyone anywhere could make apps, we would get drowned in
> badly designed flash apps, and thus no be able to distinguish the good apps
> from the bad apps.
> The way it is, app designers put a lot of work in it getting great apps,
> working perfectly, because once signed, they cannot get it re-signed without
> spilling another app-signing.
> This considered perhaps we should leave any attempts to hack the app-signing
> process (not that there was much chance anyhow...)
> Greets, Peter Martijn
I don't agree. But this is ye olde argument of proprietary vs. open software.
Read "The Cathedral And the Bazaar" somewhere at . I know
that it isn't exactly the same debate (because anyone can code a flash app, even
if they don't work at TI) but I still think most of the arguments pro openness
are valid.
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Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
It has been found that a circular area is to the square on a
line equal to the quadrant of the circumference, as the area of
an equilateral rectangle is to the square on one side.
-- House Bill No. 246 of the Indiana State Legislature, 1897