RE: A83: Re: _vputs with native tokens??


RE: A83: Re: _vputs with native tokens??

Thanks a lot, at least for the TI-83 Plus my program works correctly now.

Does someone know of a token vputs routine for the TI-83???

Peter Martijn

-----Original Message-----
From:	Dan Englender []
Sent:	Saturday, October 07, 2000 7:39 PM
Subject:	A83: Re: _vputs with native tokens??

I haven't a clue if the required entry points are documented on the 83, but
here's what you would do on the 83 Plus.

If you assume HL is pointing to the string of tokens to be displayed and you
want to terminate display when you reach an enter (newline), you would want
to do something like this:
    push    hl
    bcall($4594)         ;(GetTokLen, equated incorrectly in
    ld    hl,op3
    ld    b,a
    pop    hl
    ld    a,(hl)
    cp    $3F
    ret    z
    inc    hl
 cp $BB
 jr z,bdtwobyte
 cp $AA
 jr z,bdtwobyte
 cp $7E
 jr z,bdtwobyte
 sub $5c
 jr c,bdonebyte
 cp $64-$5c
 jr c,bdtwobyte
    dec    hl
    inc hl
    jr    basicdescloop

...That should effectivly display a string of tokens to the graph screen.
Excuse the odd spacing, some of that is copied and pasted from MirageOS.

Hope this helps,
-Dan Englender

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hyperbyte" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: A83: _vputs with native tokens??

> I am trying to display text from a basic file directly on screen, does
> anyone know of a rom-call that can vput TI's Tokens on the graphscreen,
> instead of their semi-ascii font set???
> Peter Martijn



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