Re: A83: Mysteries on R/P $0C
Re: A83: Mysteries on R/P $0C
You can't write to ROM unless it's flash like on TI-83 Plus.
>From: "Frank Schoep" <>
>To: "TI83 ASM list" <>
>Subject: A83: Mysteries on R/P $0C
>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 14:41:33 +0100
>Thanks everyone for helping every other person out with the $0C rom page
>examples. I also noticed that there's a *huge* amount of free space on the
>$0C page. Is there someway to abuse it (e.g: use it for storage), or is
>page write protected ('ROM'). Is there a way to figure that one out...?
>Frank Schoep
>If you're better than anyone else,
>what's the point in wasting time
>pretending to be ordinary
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