RE: A83: length_program?


RE: A83: length_program?

Hey, this look really familiar :)

>  .db "CD5547C9",tEnter   ; 9 bytes
>  .db tEnd,tEnter	   ; 2 bytes
>  .db "0000",tEnter       ; 5 bytes
>  .db tEnd                ; 1 byte
                           ; -------
                           ; 17 bytes


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Jan (belgacom)
Sent: 15 November 2000 17:09
To: TI-83 assembly-83
Subject: A83: length_program?

how can i find out how large my program is (in bytes)? because i tried it on
my computer (with  program of which i knew it was '17 bytes '(see example
from below) and i couldn't find the 17 anywhere.
Also, when you want to create a program in an asm-program,you normally put
your code in hexadecimal in a .db-statement (see below for example) , but
when i use devpac83 to squish my programs, i doesn't become hexadecimal (i
open the program in my TI-graphlink-program on my computer and then i try to
copy that to UE32), but just a bunch of signs of my calculator and UE32
doesn't recognize these signs.  Do I have to put them in one by one by hand
(with the signs described in or is there an other way?

call _clrLCDFull  ; Clear screen.
  call _homeup      ; Home up.
  ld   hl,create
  call _puts
  call _newline
  ld   hl,asmcreate
  call _puts
  call _zerooop1    ; Set Op1 to zero
  ld hl,progname1   ; the name of the prog
  ld de,op1         ; copy it to op1
  ld bc,7           ; 7 chars in name

  ldir              ; do the copying
  call _chkfindsym  ; look it up
  call nc,_delvar   ; if it is there delete it (to keep things clean)
  ld hl,17          ; length of program (in bytes)
  call _createprog  ; create it
  inc de            ; skip 1st length byte
  inc de            ; skip 2nd length byte
  ld hl,prog1       ; program data
  ld bc,17          ; program data length
  ldir              ; copy data
  ret               ; all done!

