A83: Input


A83: Input

I'm trying to make a !fast! program to make graphs (it's my first program in asm btw, so i still have a LOT to learn, but I hope you can help me).  I first ask the user to put in the equotation, but now i'm doubting wether to put it in a string or in something else, because you only can put in 16 characters in a string, or am i wrong? this was my code so far:

ld     de,821ch                   ;put the prompt here

       ld     hl,prompt

       ld     bc,16                       ;length of prompt, max = 16


       ld     a,0                         ;code for STRING input

       ld     (ASM_IND_CALL),a

       call   PGMIO_EXEC            ;defined in squish.inc

       call   _CHKFINDSYM

       push  bc

       push  de

       push  hl

I there an other way? or maybe I have to save it in Y1 first and convert it with something like 'Equ => String' (I use what i'm used to in BASIC), i'm just gessing, hope you can help me...


(i got my code from ASM83-guru by J Matthews)