Re: A83: Assembly Studio 8x [83+]
Re: A83: Assembly Studio 8x [83+]
It seems to me that, for Ion at least, a lot of the configuration would have
to go in the build steps, considering the program would have to be recompiled
with a new preprocessor directive for TI83 and TI83P and all. However, if
the rest could be automated through a plugin, by all means let people know.
Assembly Studio 8x is a gem that only needs simple extensions for people to
have an incredible development environment at their fingertips, and
step-by-step procedures for compiling for shells would be invaluable.
In a message dated 11/10/00 8:24:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Rusty wrote the 8xp plugin for the 83+. The only thing that I have used it
> for is regular assembly programs, never tried using a shell. If you output
> as an object file, Bin2Var should let you create Ion programs for the 83 and
> 83+. If there's enough demand, I could probably write a plugin to do this
> for Ion and MirageOS. And if someone could send me the _correct_ file
> formats (I really hate doing binary file compares to find that one byte that
> someone screwed up in their spec) or better yet, some correct code to output
> a file (I guess including the source to devpac83 and devpac8x would be too
> much to ask, considering they only work on 16 bit DOS based OS's), that
> would be helpful as well.
Jonah Cohen