A83: Re: Prompt/Input [83+]
A83: Re: Prompt/Input [83+]
> Is there any command for the ti-83p (ASM) that works the same as the
> Prompt or Input in basic. If not, is there anyone who has a sniplet of
> code that would accomplish the same task?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rob
I don't know if this can be done too at the 83+, but on the 83 we use the
ROMcall "PGMIO_EXEC" which looks at the adress 'asm_ind_call' to
determine what to do.
If you put a 0 in it, it will create a temporary variable and input the
string into it. If you put a 1 into asm_ind_call, it will use the keyboard
to input numerical data.
Just take a look at AsmGuru to see how to use the call (tutorial 33/34).
PS. There have previously been discussions about what the best way of
inputting a string would be. Just search this mailinglist at www.TiCalc.org
for "string input" or something...