Re: A83: Ti8xcc [82/83/83+/85/86]


Re: A83: Ti8xcc [82/83/83+/85/86]

> > > [in reference to a GCC port to the Z80]
> > > Okay, anybody who wants to help, I would suggest?
> > 
> > I might be willing to work on this task.  However, I'm not at all
> > certain that I have the necessary skills to do it.
> Me neither...
> BTW: we than will have to find people who wan't to learn 3 Assaembly
> languages:
> 1. Z80, the target one (should be 'know' by everybody around here)
> 2. the Asm language of the processor that has already been implemented
> in GCC

That's the "Atmel AVR" processor. It seems to be used much in
programmable-robots, embedded systems etc.

> 3. The 'GCC-generic-asm-language'. GCC first compiles to a generic
> language, which is then optimized, and converted to the target language.
> And its then again optimized for the target language.

I've already subscribed myself to CrossGCC-mailinglist, that is a list of
people who are making GCC ready to compile for other (non-linux) platforms.
If you want to subscribe to mail an (empty) e-mail to:

I think that first, some people have to inventorize what we have got
already (the AVR support is still beta, but that doesn't have to say
much). Those people have shout a bit around at these mailinglist to get
more people on the job, also mailing to, GCC, sourceforge,
linuxnews, etc., might be helpfull. Not all of the support has to be from
the Ti community, you see.
Then we have to open a page at TiCalc or SourceForge, or maybe the
people at the mailinglist have some space for our plans.
Don't think me to do such things, I've got other things to do, school, etc.
But I will help, coaching, if you want to name it that way. Because
something like getting GCC to crosscompile Z80-assembly would be great.

Links that might be usefull:   (althought this site was down)  (site with good links)
   (comparsion between AVR and 805, so these two CPU's
     are compareable... and they are talking about porting programs
     between those to CPU's. On the pages I found there is also much
     about PIC's, so maybe they are too compareable...same family???
     I also found a 'PIC to AVR code converter' so... who knows to
     program a PIC???
     SDCC, from the GameBoy Development Kit, is being ported the
     AVR too
     AVR-GCC has been ported to Windows and AVA(???) too :)