Re: A83: programming question
Re: A83: programming question
Here's some code from my upcoming game "DragonQuest Dungeon"
Lots of stuff here, makes lots of calls to other routines that don't exist
in this snip of code.
It does change animation frames and other stuff, but you probably won't need
When it changes/checks player's position, D is the player's Y position, E is
the X position. Both are stored into (xpos) by the 2 byte ld's.
The "call NewMap" does some routine that basicly does this:
Get new map (my game uses RLE compressed maps)
Display the new map
Copy graphics to saferam2 (if you copy Saferam2 to Plotsscreen each frame)
Other stuff...
;Draw Screen
call calccoords
call renderscreen
call waitkey
ld de,(xpos)
; Check Keys:
cp GDown
jr z,MoveDown
cp GLeft
jr z,MoveLeft
cp GRight
jr z,MoveRight
cp GUp
jr z,MoveUp
cp GClear
;Clear quits
ret z
;Go back to moveloop
jr MoveLoop
; Keys pressed:
;inc ypos
inc d
;down frame
ld a,0
jr MoveCheck
;dec ypos
dec d
;up frame
ld a,2
jr MoveCheck
;dec xpos
dec e
;down frame
ld a,0
jr MoveCheck
;inc xpos
inc e
;Right frame
ld a,4
; After movement:
;Set new animation frame
ld b,a
ld a,(frame)
and 1
xor 1
or b
ld (frame),a
call UpdatePlayerGfx
; Check to see if off the edge:
;Check Y position:
ld a,d
;If -1,
inc a
;Up a room
jr z,roomup
;If 8
cp 8+1
;Down a room
jr z,roomdown
;Check X position:
ld a,e
;If -1,
inc a
;Left a room
jr z,roomLeft
;If 12
cp 12+1
;Right a room
jr z,roomRight
; Check what's at player's position
;Check at de
call checkde
;Check bit %00000100 (Wall bit)
and 4
;If wall, Go back.
jr nz,MoveLoop
;Set new position
call smoothmove
;Go back to MoveLoop
jr MoveLoop
; Code that handles switching rooms
;Each Room___ code consists of the following:
;Set the new x/y position
;Inc or dec MAP row or column respectively
;Go to RoomDif
ld d,7
ld hl,row
dec (hl)
jr RoomDif
ld d,0
ld hl,row
inc (hl)
jr RoomDif
ld e,11
ld hl,col
dec (hl)
jr RoomDif
ld e,0
ld hl,col
inc (hl)
;Set new position
ld (xpos),de
;Get new map
call newMap
;Back to movement
jp MoveLoop
>From: "John Doe" <>
>Subject: A83: programming question
>I'm looking for a tutorial or someone to help me. I'm trying to get my
>tilempa routine to move to the next tilemap when you move to the edge of
>screen, how would i do that?
> Thanks,
> Phlu
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