RE: A83: 83 plus emulator
RE: A83: 83 plus emulator
vti also has it's own rom dumper that it runs first time u run vti
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Ryan Cullan
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 6:33 AM
Subject: Re: A83: 83 plus emulator
A rom image is kinda like a picture of your calc. All the memory and how it
works. You need to download a prog from ticalc called ROMdumper
it will pot a file on your comp called something like "ti83p.rom". Put that
file in the same directory as VTI. Start up VTI. press the F12 key and find
your rom image. Thats it!
>From: "Hamilton B." <>
>Subject: Re: A83: 83 plus emulator
>Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 22:53:25 -0800 (PST)
>Can someone tell me how (or where) to get a ROM image??!?!?! I can get the
>emulator, just not a ROM image. I don't even know what a ROM Image is.
>(acutaly, I have some idea that it is the rom, just on the computer or
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