RE: A83: Running asm Programs...


RE: A83: Running asm Programs...

>>I think what you are doing, is copying the program over the 'shell'... 
>yes and no, I overwrite the 'shell' at $9327 with the program I want to
>By the way, does that area ($9327 )resize in function of a program's size?
>>what you should do is swap the shell with the program, and after that swap
>How can I do this?
>What I do is copying a little code somewhere in memory (cmdshad) that will
then copy the >assembly program to run and jump at $9327.
>It works with every program, but crashes with a bigger program when it

The code you put in memory should do the folowing things:

[ -- start pseudocode -- ]

push registers
call swapbytes
call $9327
call swapbytes
pop registers
return              [ return to shell ]

  temp = size
  ptr1 = $9327
  ptr2 = ptr_to_file

    A = (ptr1)
    (ptr1) = (ptr2)
    (prt2) = A
    temp = temp - 1
    ptr1 = ptr1 + 1
    ptr2 = ptr2 + 1
  while temp<>0 goto loop

[ -- end of pseudocode -- ]

- this way of loading asm-files screwes up the VAT (while running the
program not all pointers in the VAT are correct)
- to run SOS programs you should use the SOS load-routine (or a look-a-like:
SwapByte can be used from SOS programs, some programs pop some regs which
are pushed here, lib-pointers point to space directly after the loader, so
the loader can't be any larger)