Re: A83: TSE nearing completion
Re: A83: TSE nearing completion
Isn't the display 96x64... that's 64 rows (x increment mode) and 96 columns (y
increment mode), yes? Can you be more specific about producing random numbers?
--Robin Kay--
Olle Hedman wrote:
> wrote:
> [about fastcopy]
> > There are three ways of speeding it up.
> >
> > First is to flog the LCD controller to the limits of what it can do in
> > terms of timing cycles (maybe test the status rather than using
> > the TIOS "wait routine" on the grounds that the Data sheet timings
> > will have some spare space in them ?).
> Checking the status is no good, it is too slow and you will end up loosing
> cycles.
> The main "trick" when you want to update fast is to write columns to the lcd
> controller instead of rows. this is because you need to do a write to the
> controller every time you whant to change row (or column in column-mode), and
> there is 64 rows, but only 12 columns.
> to change to "column-mode" you do a single write to the controller, I don't
> remember the exact now (because it is more then a year now since I last had a
> ti83) But you can find a pdf on the controller at my ftp, here:
> It is the specs from the manufacturer and includes everything you can do with
> the controller.
> This, and ofcourse your own delay-rutine, because TI:s is more then twice as
> long as it has to be. Don't make it _too_ short though, remember that the speed
> of the calc changes with temperature and battery condition.
> //Olle